Wednesday, December 21, 2011

December 21st

We took Lucy to the Grove Park this afternoon to see the Gingerbread houses. She seemed to be in a great mood when we left school, but she wasn't quite in the holiday spirit while we toured around. Oh well, I guess that's life with a two year old!! :)

Maybe M & M's will keep us happy. . .

Hard to believe this is all edible!

This one was made by a bakery, so I don't think it really counts. . .

This was the winner for the teen division. Lucy loves the movie Despicable Me, especially the minions!


Lucy's favorite gingerbread - it has DORA!!

Trying to get a decent picture. . .

This tree was covered in fishing related ornaments, including a fishing pole, with a fish hanging from the line. It looks like she's crying, but she's actually laughing hysterically as she knocks the fish back and forth!

Lucy was so excited to see the Gingerbread Man. . until we got over there and then she wanted nothing to do with him.

By this time, she was ready to leave. So we bribed her to stay a little longer by buying her a ridiculously large Jingle Bell. Yes, I realize that buying your child off is not the best style of parenting, but it worked for a little while!

We probably shouldn't have waited in line to take our picture in Santa's sleigh, even though Lucy said she wanted to. By the time we got there, she was done. (As you can tell!!!)

We didn't make it down the wing of the Grove Park that held all the adult winners, which was disappointing. However, I was not going to subject these people to my bell-ringing, screaming child who wanted nothing more than to go home. So we left - I guess I'll just have to watch the Today show in order to see the winners.

We went to dinner with the Robinson family tonight. Hopefully, I can get Kevin to email me the pictures of Lucy and Kamden - they were SO cute, holding hands as they walked to dinner! :)

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