Friday, November 13, 2009

Cereal Eater

We started eating Rice cereal this week!! Lucy has been sitting so well in her high chair and seemed very interested whenever we were eating . . .. so we decided to try it. The first attempt was, well, a mess. I don't know if Lucy actually swallowed any cereal! She was definitely enjoying herself - she kept smiling and laughing, as the cereal spilled out of her mouth. I was going to wait a few days before trying again (since she didn't seem to be able to swallow any of it!) , but as I sat and ate some Jello the next day, she protested so loudly that she wouldn't be satisfied until I fed her something. She did much better the second time, and even better the next day so we seem to be figuring it out. :)

I can't believe that she will be five months old next week. It's so hard to believe as I look at this 13 + lb. little girl that she used to be my tiny little 5 lb baby. She is such a happy little girl and loves to laugh and talk and play. . . but if she is no longer happy, she will let you know! This little girl has quite a set of lungs!! She can show so many emotions now. When we play, she's happy and silly. She makes it very clear when she is tired but she likes to fight sleep because she doesn't want to miss anything. Her sad face just breaks my heart with her big crocodile tears. And when I leave her in the nursery at church, she is MAD . . . . which is a whole different cry. I feel so bad when I have to leave her there, but she will have to learn to love the nursery because as a preacher's kid, she's going to spend a lot of time there on Wednesdays and Sundays!

These months at home with her have just been Heaven on earth - can it really already be the middle of November? How in the world will I walk out the door on January 4th without her?

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