Of course, every mother says their child is amazing, but my little girl constantly amazes me. She has grown so much just in the past three months. They say that the average three year old should have a vocabulary of 300 words. Have no fear. . .Lucy has greatly surpassed that mark. She uses complete sentences most of the time, as well as using correct pronouns and sentence structure. (Most of the time - she is only 2!) Her new favorite thing to do is ask, "Why?" This can be annoying, yes, but most of the time, it seems like she genuinely wants to know. She will ask questions until she is somewanted to lewhat satisfied with the explanation that you give her! :) She loves to sing and sing and sing. We cannot travel in the car without listening to her music and many times she and I will sit down at the piano and play and sing together. One of her new favorite things is all things Veggie Tales as you can see from the video above!
Her coloring skills have gotten better. She shows a lot more control and really works to stay within the lines. Her hand control when drawing has gotten better and there have even been a few times where she says, "look Mommy, I drew a . . . " and you can actually see that her drawing is in fact whatever she said it was. She loves to draw princesses. . . and spiders. . . an interesting set of favorites. . .
Lucy is doing well with her manners. Many times she uses please, thank you, and excuse me without being prompted. Of course, she has also learned to use that to her advantage to get what she wants too!
The other day, Michael was taking her to school and it was an extremely foggy morning. . . you could barely see the car from the door. They stepped outside and Lucy looked at her Daddy and said, "What is going on out here?" He had to explain to her about fog so if you want to know about when it is "froggy" outside, Lucy will be happy to explain.
There are so many more adorable things she has done over the past three months. . . but this gives you a quick glance at how she's learning and growing. She has finally gotten to the point where she talks about her "baby brother and sister" (what she calls the twins - we don't know what they are yet!) . Before, when you asked her if she wanted babies at her house, she would just say, "NOPE!" She is getting excited and she will be a great big sister!