Wow. . . I can't believe my last post was December 24th, 2011. This one is definitely LONG over due!! What a beginning of the year 2012 has been. After a fun, fun Christmas break, we started out January with Michael coming down with Mono. Lucy also had a couple of ear infections during this time, so she wasn't at her best either. We found out mid January that we were pregnant again (due in September), which was exciting, but then we had a houseful of sick and tired people! ;)
February came along and we had our first doctor's visit for this pregnancy. They sent us the next day to get an ultrasound to make sure they had the correct due date. Since Lucy was born at 35 weeks, they wanted me to receive weekly injections in order to prevent another early birth and they needed an exact due date to know when to begin this process. Well, on Febuary 9th (Michael's birthday), the ultrasound came up and there were two little babies and two little heart beats - yes, twins!!! So while it was a wonderful surprise, it was also quite shocking. Planning on going to a family of four and finding out that now you'll be a family of five . . well, that takes some getting used to! So we had that shocking/wonderful news which was great, but I spent most of February feeling really lousy. I had two different stomach bugs that came along as well as all day sickness/nausea in general. So between feeling bad and working all day, I was ready for bed when I got home at 5:00!
Now we've reached March and the second trimester in this pregnancy. Spring intercession break FINALLY got here and it has been a welcome rest for all. The nausea and tiredness has eased up, and we've had some time to relax and enjoy being together. But I'll save that for another post. So that gives you a quick recap of what the Flack family has been up to!
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