Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's been a while. . .

Where has time gone? It is that time of year with programs coming up at school and church! But in between rehearsals and Christmas shopping and some decorating and a little bit of work ;), we've been having a lot of fun!

Lucy's favorite thing to do now is to feed herself everything. . . . not just finger foods, but foods with a spoon! Before when we have let her feed herself, she does it for a while and then lets someone take back over. However, there is no "helping" Lucy anymore. She wants to do it all herself. It's great that she's so independent, but not so great on days when you have less than 30 minutes for her to eat dinner!

This child is so happy when she is eating! (most of the time!)

Thanksgiving was interesting this year. We went to Rutherfordton on Thanksgiving day to celebrate with Gramma, Pappy, Aunt Lauren, Uncle Joe, Mama Mae, Papa Louis, and Charlie and Lin. Before we left that morning, Lucy was being difficult. She would get frustrated when you couldn't understand what she wanted. She hadn't slept well for the previous nights and just was not in a pleasant mood. By the time we got to Mama Mae's house, she seemed to be doing ok. . . until naptime. After she woke up from her nap, nothing could please her. She cried and cried all afternoon, which is so unlike her!

This is a "Before Nap" picture - all smiles!

Playing ball with Gramma

After we left Mama Mae's, we stopped in Statesville to see the Alexander clan. Lucy wasn't quite herself while we were there, but at least she didn't scream and cry. It was good to see everyone for just a little while - I think it's been since last Christmas maybe since we had seen Uncle Phillip and his family!

On Friday, we had family pictures. Unfortunately, when dealing with a 17 month old, no matter how carefully you plan, you cannot predict her temperament! Lucy was fussy all morning and while waiting for our photographer, we strolled around the house!

Waiting to have our picture made!

Even when she's not her best, Lucy is still cute! :)

After photos, the rest of the day was filled with crying. . .man, it was a long day! Lucy hardly napped and just couldn't be appeased. After the travel and being off her schedule and away from her house, she had reached her breaking point. Around 5 PM, she lost complete control, just sobbing uncontrollably. I laid her down in the crib and left the room, hoping she could pull herself back together with a little alone time. 5 minutes later when I went to check on her, she was OUT! She slept until about 8:30 the next morning . . . and magically, my sweet little girl reappeared again! It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do! The next pictures are just some fun ones from the weekend!

A future Converse girl with her Mommy's pearls

Dancing with bunny while watching TV

Loving on Tickle-Me-Elmo

"Riding" around the house . . . this was one of her favorite games!

And I couldn't resist this last picture. . . what with the Harry Potter recently having come to theaters! This is Lucy with her Daddy's wand. . . I guess we don't have a Muggle baby after all! :)

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