Lucy has been a busy girl lately. Every day she seems to become just a little bit more independent. I'm not sure that her Mommy can handle too many more independent steps - I'm not ready for her to not need my help anymore! Sometimes that independence is helpful, like when she wants to clean up all her toys herself or when she wants to help put clothes in the washer and dryer, or even when she wants to pick things up and throw them in the trash. However, with that independence comes a lot of those, "Let's see if I can do this" moments. . .which inevitably lead to time out. Lucy is a girl who knows what she wants and is going to go do it! Most of the time, it's an admirable characteristic . . .except when the thing she wants to do is rip apart photo albums or color on my floor! :)
Lucy is talking a lot more now. She talks gibberish while she plays, especially when she plays with her friend, Jack! They are so funny talking back and forth in their own special language! She can say most all of her animal sounds. The other day I gave her a book of farm animals to look at as we were driving home. She sat back there and made each animal sound as she came to it on the page. She is clear about most things she wants and asks for them by name. So far, she says these words frequently:
- Up, Down, Out, Snack (which sounds like NA!), Mimi (her word for her pacifier), Yes, Night Night, Hi, Bye Bye, Thank You (dat u), this, Jump, Banana (nana), Uh Oh, Mama, Dada, Baxter (which is Baba), David (Day Day), Latimer (Lammar), Elmo (Mo), George (for Curious George), baby, book, shoes, tree, more, milk, juice, fish (for goldfish), and yogurt (yo-ur).
She also has some words which she signs but doesn't say like music and water, and brush teeth. And she loves to talk about her friends at church like Miss Sue, James (Jay Jay), Maddie, Kamden, Merret, and Parker. It seems like every day she says something new. Most of what she says is still just one word at a time, but every now and then she will have a two word sentence like "Bye Bye, Jack" or "Night Night, Dada."
It is so hard to believe how quickly she grows and changes. A year ago at this time we were still working on getting her to crawl and now we can't get her to slow down. We always joke that she has only two modes - Running or Sleeping!
Lately, Lucy has been very attached to her Pig. She has always had her pig with her at night time, but he now makes the rounds during the day as well. She carries him with her to church a lot and around the house to do various things. The other day, Pig sat with her while she had a diaper change, he watched while she ate dinner, he came with her to help Mommy do laundry, and then went with her to bed.
Pig is very loved!! :)
Below is a picture of Lucy while she is eating her afternoon snack. She likes to sit on her cupcake rug during snack time for some reason. As long as Baxter is up, that seems to work out fine. She was eating cookies the other day, (Mommy had some, so she HAD to have some too!) and I snapped a few pictures of her. It's hard to see with all that hair in the way, but check out her crazy eyebrows! This girl can raise one while lowering the other! She does this look ALL this time and it always cracks me up but I never seem to be able to capture it on camera . . this is the closest I've gotten:
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